Online Marketing Strategy Development

Few would argue that in this day and age it is critical for every organisation to have a visible presence on the internet. Within the last few years however, the concept of visibility has changed. Where it was previously acceptable to simply upload a website with information, and hope that people would go and find it; it has become the responsibility of the organisation to go and find the audience.

That is where online marketing comes in. How do we mix today's online technologies to achieve maximum engagement with our audience? The first and most critical step is to come up with a strategy. There is no point signing up to a bunch of social media services, and then letting each profile fall into dilapidation and neglect.

Visual Obsession has developed Online Marketing Strategies for numerous businesses and government departments. We can help you determine which social media services suit your business goals; how to best use your ongoing marketing budget for maximum engagement; how to measure, assess, and react to, the activity of your audience, how and when to run campaigns for maximum impact; how to minimise risk and deal with online crises; and how to implement an ongoing strategy to ensure your online presence doesn't fall into neglect.